what does mm mean

MM is an abbreviation of the words mutual masturbation. There may be more than one meaning of MM , so check it out all meanings of MM one by one. An abbreviation that is widely used in what does mm mean texting and on … And then there is the ‘mm’ used as a sign of distraction…the humming sound you hear when you nod your head in agreement, meaning “Yes”, “I agree” or “I hear you”.

Use the citation options below to add these abbreviations to your bibliography. The probes were lined with four tiny round electrodes, each just over a millimeter in diameter, that were to deliver continuous electrical impulses to Fisher’s nucleus accumbens.

Other definitions for mm (2 of

I was given a Sony 6000Y with a mm and a mm lense. How does this camera compare to the dsl cameras?

Agents will also commonly see us communicate M as thousands when we quote surety rates or agent commissions. For example, the standard Class B rate starts at $25/M for the first $100M; then $15/M for the next $400M; then $10/M for the next $2MM. Those rates are expressed per thousand and the MM denotes millions. Likewise, we may quote you a single and aggregate contractor line of authority.

Other definitions for mm (4 of

Most human eyes focus at or near 50 millimeters, so that means that the focal point of your eyes is 50 millimeters away from your face. Mm is an abbreviation that is a part of the metric system of measurement. The metric system is used by almost every country in the world for weights and measurements. The https://www.bookstime.com/ U.S. is one of only a few countries that do not use the metric system. The U.S. uses the customary system for units of measurement. This page explains what the acronym « MM » means. The various definitions, examples, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slang.net team.